Baltimore City Black History Month Parade

Monday, February 17, 2025

12:00 PM Step off
Martin Luther King Jr Blvd & Eutaw Street


(Put full name, no abbreviations. Spell out acronyms)
(500 character limit)

Please provide as much information as you are able at this time. You can update during the confirmation process.

(Car, motorcycle, truck, van, etc. Trailers will be inspected for safety.)

I, the undersigned, affirm that I am an authorized representative of the above individual or entity regarding its participation in the 2025 Baltimore City Black History Month Parade on Monday, February 17, 2025. I understand that submission of this application does -not- guarantee placement in the parade, which will be determined upon review of this application. I have reviewed and understand the parade information and agree that I and/or my group will abide by parade guidelines and policies if selected to participate in the parade.

I understand parade officials may give instructions in the staging areas or during the parade and I and/or my group units must comply with such instructions immediately and completely or they may be ejected from the parade and will not be invited to participate in future parades.

I affirm that I and/or my group understand that the purpose of the parade is to celebrate Black History Month, not to endorse or support any political agenda, and that any individual or group that attempts to use the parade for such a purpose will be denied participation and be required to depart the parade route.

Application Deadline is Friday, February 14, 2025.

A Walk in Legacy 2025: Baltimore's Black History Month Parade.  02/17/25 @ 12PM  Step off: MLK Jr Blvd & Eutaw St. Grand Marshal Ebony M. Thompson, Baltimore City Solicitor. For more information or to volunteer contact